Since the early spring and, with the exception of the second half of March, temperatures were very low for the season. Maturation of the grapes is laborious. Now, we are realizing some damage caused by heavy winter frosts: though in most cases the vines has not been destroyed by frost, it nevertheless suffered three weeks of severe frost of February. One obtains grapes of all sizes, some with tiny grains.
01 Aout 2012
photos du 13 Juillet
After a harsh winter - in February, it has been over 3 weeks between minus 10 and minus 15 degrees - we had one second of March quizaine with summer temperatures - between 25 and 30 ° -. Since then, temperatures have returned to higher values in the standard even if at present they are rather in the lower range.
February 2012, freezing of the river : this only happens every 30 years approximately
photo du 14.02.2012
photo du 14.02.2012
Following the buds of April, the grapes were introduced in May
grapes in May
First week of June: The vine is in bloom and, as every year, the flower determines the future of the crop. We must of course wait for the flower, but it is reasonable to consider the harvest in mid-September.